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Summer Newsletter

Where has 2018 gone? 

At this time of year, it is always good to take a step back and reflect on where we have been and where we are going.  As such I have provided some links below to some interesting articles that I have come across over the past few months that may be of interest to you (some light summertime reading).

Why Simple Rules Are Best When Spreading Your Investment Bets

This is an article from the Economist which explores the role rebalancing has in a portfolio.

Falling Markets. Invest Anway

This NY Times article written by Jeff Sommer reminds us that falling markets are not always bad, provide opportunities for long term investors and the need for a diversified portfolio.

The Aussie Economy in 2019. Its Not Boom but its Not Doom Either

Dr Shane Oliver has a look into his crystal ball and outlines what he thinks the next 12 months may hold.

BBQ Whole Snapper

Just in case you are short of BBQ ideas over the break, This recipe for BBQ Snapper will be a winner.

Our office will be closed from Monday 24 December 2018 and will re-open on Monday 21 January 2019.  As always, if you have anything urgent during this time, please email us at We wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a great New Year! See you in 2019.

 The Team at JFM